140614 England – Macte Pedifollis

By June 14, 2014 zBlog Archives

140614Today’s word is “macte” meaning: ‘Expressing approval, encouragement, or good will: ‘all praise to you!’, ‘well done!’, ‘bravo!’; ‘good luck!’. (OED) The ‘good luck’ part goes without saying, but whether the ‘well done’ part is justified remains to be seen, because I’m not staying up to find out. And I know I need the ablative case of pedifollis, rather than the nominative, but I’m too sleepy to look it up. Edit to add: The ‘well done’ component of this phrase was premature – England lost.

Day #165 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by the OED word of the day.