240314 Ersatz zythum

By March 24, 2014 zBlog Archives

240314_LRZythum was ‘In ancient Egypt: a kind of malt beer’ (OED). Obviously, not being in ancient Egypt, an ersatz zythum had to be found. The problem is that apart from a small cold lager on a hot day, I don’t drink beer and haven’t the faintest idea about which beers are malts and which ones are not. There were several options for getting close to this – one of MisterMac’s malt whiskies (done that one already this year), a jar of Horlicks (not sure where to find it), a bag of maltesers (we still haven’t finished yesterday’s gaseynmallows) or a non-Egyptian beer that could be malt. And whilst contemplating this array of choices, the decision was made for me as I rounded the corner and almost tripped over the answer.

Day #83 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by theĀ OED word of the day.