
zBlog Archives

zBlog Archives

291212 On the tram

Now that the weather has improved, I want to start putting together a Viennese collection in the style of Harry Weber.  No such collection would be complete without a typical tram shot.
December 29, 2012
zBlog Archives

241212 Vampire Sisters

This wasn't quite what I wanted for today, but my shutter button has jammed, which means that the camera shudders each time I depress it and by the time I'd depressed it on this shot, the girls had moved out…
December 24, 2012
zBlog Archives

231212 Fiaker in the rain

After waking up to a world covered in snow, my excitement soon turned to disappointment as the heavens opened and washed it all away.  At least we were able to get a warm tram home, unlike the poor old Fiaker…
December 23, 2012
zBlog Archives

221210 Orange Punch

The punch vendor enjoying a slurp.  An early trip to the shops meant that the Christmas shopping was finished by 11.00, which gave MisterMac and I plenty of time for a wander around the Christmas market, a mug of punch…
December 22, 2012
UncategorizedzBlog Archives

211212 Brian

Well you could have knocked me down with a feather!  There we were strolling through Heathrow when I suddenly saw Brian's face beaming out at me from this poster!
December 21, 2012
zBlog Archives

201212 Empty Starbucks

Given how busy London is in the run-up to Christmas, I was surprised to see Starbucks so empty.  Just a lonely soul and a pair of pink soles.  If only I liked the coffee, I would have gone in for…
December 20, 2012
UncategorizedzBlog Archives

191212 Santa Lee

This was one of the highlights (literally) of the day but the other is the momentum that our planned 24h hour photo shoot "London 1853"  is gathering.  Details on the RPS website here.  This is going to be a marathon…
December 19, 2012
zBlog Archives

181212 Hidden Chelsea

Mainly deskbound today, but wandered out to get some provisions.  This might be a place of future interest... when a house changes hands, it seems to be de rigueur now to strip out everything and replace it with new.  I…
December 18, 2012
zBlog Archives

171212 London 1853 takes shape

The day started in Greenwich - one of those unbelievable blue sky mornings - at the Maritime Museum for the Ansel Adams exhibition.  It then moved on to the Cave, to the Strand and Soho as the planning for the…
December 17, 2012
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131212 Two-in-One

Two of my favourite things in one place - an abandoned coffee cup and an out of place supermarket trolley. The interesting question about the trolley is: "How did it get there?". There are Tesco stores on virtually every street…
December 13, 2012
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121212 St Paul’s

I seem to remember reading somewhere that the end of the world was supposed to end on the 12th day of the 12th month of 2012 .... well, it hasn't yet - although using GMT, there is still another hour…
December 12, 2012