170815 Holy Adiaphoron

By August 17, 2015 zBlog Archives


I spent a lot of time thinking about what issues might constitute an adiaphoron and certainly struggled with something that might be ‘morally neutral’, and then I spotted this book in the local pop-up shop and deemed it might be appropriate – it’s religious and there is some latitude in having the word ‘notes’ rather than ‘bible’.  I am constantly on the quest for a decent notebook and failing miserably as the paper quality is less than satisfactory.  My writing weapon of choice is an old fountain pen, but I now find it almost impossible to find a paper that does not bleed through, which is very irritating, so I was prepared to give ‘Holy Notes’ a try … until I found out that its price tag was £58; now that is certainly not ‘morally neutral’.  All these ‘holies’ reminded me of Burt Ward’s Robin in Batman and just out of curiosity, I googled Robin’s use of ‘holy’.  The results were staggering (both in number and absurdity) and I’m now trawling my memory banks to try and remember what story line prompted:”Holy knit one purl two”.  Did the Joker attack with a knitting needle?  Was Batgirl caught knitting a sweater?  But what I find curious is that Robin should choose such an unusual double ribbing stitch, rather than the rather better known ‘K1P1’.



Day #229 of the second 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by the OED word of the day.