080515 Psephocracy, Democracy and McSophistry

By May 8, 2015 zBlog Archives

For 080515Well what a galanty show that was, although the fall-out did rather overshadow the VE celebrations. I was gripped, but with hindsight, I should have gone to bed early and got up at 4.00, instead of going to bed just after 4.00, when it all started to get really interesting. I can’t help but think of that marvellous Ronnie Barker line about the Liberals getting Rockall … And the hero of the show? IMHO, Professor Curtice, who according to Wikipedia is ‘one of Britain’s leading psephologists’ and if I’d found that quote in the small hours, I’d have taken a screenshot of him for my psephocratic blog pic.

Day #128 of the second 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by the OED word of the day.