060515 Fags, Fur and a Pulicose Sheep

By May 6, 2015 zBlog Archives

For 060515 I had a few minutes to spare between meetings and popped in to see the Women and the First World War exhibition at the NPG. Rather smaller than I anticipated, but what it lacks in quantity, it makes up for in quality – I’m still staggered at the quality of the photographs that was achievable with all that old kit. The exhibition is in Room 31, which contains paintings from the end of WWI to the 1950s, including many from the Bloomsbury set. It’s interesting how many of the portraits show people smoking and how many of the women are wearing fur – how times have changed. I guess some of the fur is now pretty pulicose, but as photography is not allowed, I couldn’t add any to my flea-ridden portfolio. And in the absence of finding a flea-ridden hound, I opted for a sheep and although they are more likely to have tics, I reckon a lot of them have fleas too. I think Shawn the Sheep is going to prove rather useful in populating this blog of increasingly obscure words.

Day #126 of the second 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by theĀ OED word of the day.