201119 Kriemhild’s Knavigation

By November 20, 2014 zBlog Archives

On seeing today’s word, my brow definitely furrowed. How on earth was I going to find a “knavigation”, which is ‘A statement or story that is characteristic of a knave, esp. in being dishonest or fraudulent’, (OED)? I’m not sure that I’ve succeeded, but I think I’m pretty close. As I flaneured my way around the 15th district, I stumbled upon Cafe Kriemhild. Kriemhild was one of the main characters in the Nibelungenlied and although it is some years since I’ve read it (in the original Middle High German BTW) I remember it as being a jolly good yarn of derring-do, deception and dragon-slaying. If I remember rightly, Kriemhold marries Atilla the Hun and meets a very sticky end – I don’t know why this has never been made into a film, it would make a spectacular block buster.

Day #320 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by theĀ OED word of the day.