021114 Ramekin

By November 2, 2014 zBlog Archives

This was not my favourite pic of today, but it was the only one depicting a “ramekin” (‘A type of savoury dish based on cheese, mixed with butter, eggs, and seasonings, and usually baked and served in a small mould or dish (or formerly in a paper case). Formerly also: a dish of minced meat, pounded onion, or melted cheese, toasted with butter and other ingredients on bread’, OED). And now that I’ve read the definition properly, it seems as though I’ve even got that wrong. Oh well … blame it on the excitement of entering phase II of Bleeding London, which is the reason that I’m so far behind on my blog, but I’ll catch up this week!

Day #302 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by the OED word of the day.