040914 My Ayurveda

By September 4, 2014 zBlog Archives

Those of you who know me will know that I’m surgically attached to my M9. Today, it was packed off to Germany for repair – I checked it in and waved goodbye with a tear in my eye. However, the lovely boys at Bruton Place have lent me a camera, whilst mine is away. It’s all new and shiny and and there isn’t even the slightest hintette of patina anywhere. Technically, this experience would probably not be considered to be part of the “Ayurveda” (‘An ancient Hindu system of medicine, drawn from Vedic literature and based on the belief that physical and mental health are dependent on a balance of biological humours (or doshas) uniquely constituted in each individual, which may be maintained or restored by regulated diet, sleep, exercise, etc., and a range of homoeopathic and natural remedies. Also: the text or texts describing this system. In early use, freq. with the‘, OED). But the factors are unique to every individual and after a week of not having an M9 (and living with the weird colour output from the substitute) I am happy again, although not as happy as I shall be when I get the call to say that my camera is in the departure lounge at the other end.

Day #243 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by theĀ OED word of the day.