190814 Pendie Dustyfoot

By August 19, 2014 zBlog Archives

I had the great privilege today of hearing a few tracks from Men Who Climb Mountains. It’s all been very top-secret at Pendie HQ whilst the album has been in the making and very few have heard it. Very few, that is, apart from all the residents within a 50 mile radius, as Nick doesn’t do quiet when it comes to playing music. But such a magnificent sound deserves to be played at full volume and I hope the neighbours realise how privileged they have been to hear the album before the rest of the world. And today’s word? “Dustyfoot” meaning : ‘A wayfarer, traveller; spec. a travelling pedlar or merchant’, (OED). Men who climb mountains are usually dustyfeet, since they have to travel to the mountain and Wilcey will definitely become a dustyfoot when she starts pedalling the merch.

Day #228 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by the OED word of the day.