170614 Serendipitous roque

By June 17, 2014 zBlog Archives

170614_LRRoque is: ‘A form of croquet played in the United States on a court surrounded by a bank and using ten hoops and short-handled mallets’, (OED) and I didn’t think I would find that today. In anticipation of having to think laterally, I had a roque monsieur for breakfast, carelessly chucking away the ‘c’ with gay abandon. But then bless my soul, look what I found in a shop window – and I think it’s actually roque rather than croquet because of the length of the mallet (although, of course, it may simply have been shorn down to fit the box).

Day #168 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by theĀ OED word of the day.