110214 Alliaceous Produce

By February 11, 2014 zBlog Archives

110214_LRI think the OED’s flirtation with the Winter Olympics is over as today’s word – alliaceous – has nothing to do with snow or sport, but a lot to do with onions: ‘Of or relating to plants of the genus Allium, which includes garlic, onions, leeks, etc.'(OED) An early detour via Borough Market enabled me to bag these three varieties of alliaceous vegetable. It was a cold, wet and windy morning – funnily enough, not dissimilar to my last trip to Borough Market, which was on the 24 hour shoot last June. And more of the same tomorrow, but at least the tube strike has been called off, so I suppose we have at least one reason to be cheerful.

Day #42 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by theĀ OED word of the day.