260114 Too Lazy for Oz

By January 26, 2014 Uncategorized, zBlog Archives

L1003642_LRWhen I saw today’s word, I must admit that Australia was not the first thought that came into my mind – I veered more towards the yellow brick road and I don’t mean the Elton John album. However, I have since discovered that today is Australia day and so, as the OED is always topical, the word of the day was Oz, meaning quite simply ‘Australia’ (OED).

I hummed and hawed about how to portray this – a trip to Australia House, perhaps? Or a stroll down Sydney Street? A bus ride to Brisbane Place? I am ashamed to say, that I just couldn’t be bothered. The light was shite, it was tipping it down with rain and staying indoors seemed a much better option. So apologies to any Antipodeans reading this, but you’ll just have to accept my alternative interpretation of Oz.

One of my favourite authors is Nevile Shute, and although he was British, he did spend the last ten years of his life in Australia, and used the country as the main location in many of his books. IMHO, the prophetic and prescient novel In the Wet is one of his best, so this is how I have chosen to portray Oz. This is the puddle on our roof terrace this afternoon, taken safely from the comfort of my armchair.

Day #26 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by theĀ OED word of the day.