240114 Loodered Steak?

By January 24, 2014 Uncategorized, zBlog Archives

240114_LRAnother tenuous link tonight, I’m afraid. Today’s word was looder, which is a transitive verb meaning: ‘ To give (a person) a severe beating; to thrash'(OED). I’m not a violent person and so was certainly not going to go out looking for someone to looder. Moreover, I don’t feel like spending Friday night trawling the seedier parts of town in anticipation of finding some loodering. I’ve gone for the synonym option today (still saving the rebus for desperate times). Batter is a good alternative to looder and battered steak is quite well-known in culinary circles. Choosing this direction gave me a good excuse to visit my favourite butcher and buy steak for dinner – but as it’s fillet, I’ll neither be loodering it with a meat tenderizer, nor will I be covering it in batter – beer, crispy or otherwise.

Day #24 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by theĀ OED word of the day.