010114 After midnight we handselled

By January 1, 2014 Uncategorized, zBlog Archives

010114_LRHandsel – a transitive verb meaning inter alia ‘To give (a person) a gift at the beginning of the year or day, on a birthday, etc., as a token of good luck.’ (OED) And that is what we did just after midnight, as we exchanged pigs and ladybirds before embarking on an attempt at waltzing. This morning, we wandered down to the Rathausplatz to see the screening of the New Year’s Day Concert (conducted by Daniel Barenboim) and whilst queuing for our sausage and punch, I noticed these little cakes – the perfect gift for handselling. My New Year’s Resolution is to see if I can tie in my daily pic with the OED word of the day … one down, 364 to go!