221213 Advent Calendar Day 22

By December 22, 2013 Uncategorized, zBlog Archives

221213This was an easy one as the local cake shop is doing advent cakes and #22 was in the window – I expect, if I’d been paying attention, I would have seen #21 in the window yesterday. Saw the brilliant Edith Tudor-Hart exhibition Im Schatten der Diktaturen and hadn’t realised that so many German-speaking female photographers had played a significant role in shaping British photography (about 30, according to the blurb). I’m guessing that this was mainly through the Picture Post?  Definitely an area for further research. From one extreme to the other … we spent a fabulous evening at a gourmet theatre. First class food and excellent entertainment – it’s like having Cafe Cirque perform in your kitchen, while someone else does the cooking and washing up!