191213 Faustian Pact?

By December 19, 2013 Uncategorized, zBlog Archives

191213_LRSome of the things we have seen and done today have been absolutely stunning, and finding unspoilt pockets of old Prague has been great fun. But, the city does seem to be turning itself into a 24/7 night club, which is not quite what I expected – a curious juxtaposition of amazing medieval architecture with flashing neon signs boasting “Europe’s biggest music club”.  At times, it feels like being an eye-witness to a sleazy (and very commercial) Faustian pact.  It is, perhaps, apposite that Don Giovanni premiered here in 1787 and look how it ended for him!  Anyway, this picture is for Wilcey, since despite the Las Vegas make-over, Prague still has more nativity scenes than London.