081113 Breaking Bad

By November 8, 2013 zBlog Archives

081113_LRNo, MisterMac and I are not going into the crystal meth production business. This was the sky after the storm and I found it somewhat disturbing as it resonated of a science fiction sky after some terrible disaster, but as far as I know, there was no major industrial accident in Cirencester this evening. The whole thing was like the opening scenes of season 3 of Breaking Bad, but without the boots. MisterMac says he quite fancies a pair of those snakeskin boots with pointy toes and skulls on the front, but I bet he wouldn’t wear them if I bought them … although I would.  I think a trip to R Soles is on the cards for next week, to see whether they have any in stock! Yes, R Soles is honestly the name of the shop. It’s on the King’s Road and renowned for its amazingly fabulous cowboy boots.