061113 More rubbish

By November 6, 2013 zBlog Archives

061113_LR Well the most exciting news today is that I have booked my trip to Dnipropetrovsk in the Ukraine. DNK (easier to refer to it by its airline code than its name) was a closed city – or a закрытые административно-территориальные образования as the Russians pithily call it – until the 1990s because of its military industry. Next stop was Waterstone’s to buy a teach yourself Russian book and a dictionary.

I needed a shot for Takeaway – the November topic for the DVJ’s Archive for the Future – so snapped this by South Ken tube. I really wanted a pic of fish’n’chips but we don’t have any local chip shops. I’m not sure why – I do remember hearing something about the council not wanting chip papers blowing around the street, but it seems that plastic cups and sandwich wrappers are ok!

PS. The Archive for the future is now live, so check it out here.