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210513 Linguistic Shift

The street artists are now tagging pavements and walls with quotations from the political greats and the advertising moguls are using street language to promote pizza. Hmmm - a one-off or start of a new trend?
May 21, 2013
zBlog Archives

140413 Infinity or zilch

My rangefinder has slipped, which means the only pix in focus are those taken at infinity:-( Until I get home and can get it re-calibrated, it's infinity only pix for me - or a lot of trial and error. 213…
April 14, 2013
zBlog Archives

130313 He’s behind you

Quick coffee stop at the MQ. I thought this face had something to do with Scary Movie, but apparently it is a sculpture from Franz West's Retrospective "Where is my Eight".
March 13, 2013
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151012 Lunchtime Reflections

A fun afternoon shooting with Leanne, adding a few more pix to the hyper-reality collection. We stopped at our usual canteen for a spot of lunch and noticed the new table design - mirror tiles.  Lunch was a most pleasant…
October 15, 2012
UncategorizedzBlog Archives

131012 Abandoned Shoe

I never cease to be amazed by what is abandoned on the street and my imagination goes into overdrive asking questions about how things get left behind.  I have visions of some poor child having to hop home because they've…
October 13, 2012
UncategorizedzBlog Archives

111012 Pink Chair

What I like about Goldsmiths is that as an arty university, the artiness is evident throughout the establishment.  Whilst waiting for a lecture this afternoon, I was able to avail myself of the only chair in the corridor of learning…
October 11, 2012
UncategorizedzBlog Archives

101012 “Fractured Lives”

Carol Allen Storey gave a few DVJ members a guided tour of her solo show "Fractured Lives". It is an amazing exhibition - not only are the images stunning, but the stories that accompany them (taken from Carol's journal) are…
October 10, 2012
UncategorizedzBlog Archives

081012 Walter Pigeon

Grabbing a coffee after the Inaugural Conference of the International Association of Visual Urbanists (some great ideas from it BTW).  I shall be penning something on the subject of Visual Urbanism soon, as it completely reflects my attitudes towards photography. …
October 8, 2012
UncategorizedzBlog Archives

071012 Urban Workshop

The DVJ had an urban workshop with Ida Pap today.  We were learning how to think like artists.  As she said, "Are photographers little more than lazy painters?"   Hmmm, maybe we are.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was fun…
October 7, 2012
UncategorizedzBlog Archives

Hello world!

Well, this is me and my blog.  I've been taking a photo-a-day since I had my camera, so it seems sensible, what with the new website an' all, to put the blog on here.  Sometimes, I have time to go…
October 1, 2012